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Version Checker


Meet Version Checker. The simple device that can identify your Minecraft Version from 1.8 to 1.12, 1.10 to 1.12 and 1.13 to the last.

Version Checker Version 2

The Simplest Design Ever.

When it comes with the steps, it can have 5 steps to build and replicate. It is as simple as obtaining it by downloading.

Simple Steps

Everything is customizable

Can't wait to modify? You can easily modify with your own mob needs, final trigger if the mob does not exist, and what else you wanted to.

Everything is simple

Supports Minecraft: Java Edition versions from 1.8 to the last

First generation, classic version can even support at least 1.7. Of course the second generation, low profile version supports at least 1.9, but both of then can even support to the version 1.11 and 1.12.


The second generation of Version Checker for 1.14 can support versions up to the latest version of Minecraft.


Creation Version Required Minecraft Version
1.0 1.8>
2.0 1.9>
2.1 1.13>